Project Cyclone – Uncovering the hoist

Hi! Mike Chase-Salerno here. Mike Nielson has enlisted my help to take on this project to refurbish, and put back into action, a Cyclone F40 Fleetmaster pump hoist. I’ll be posting some blog entries here as the process moves along.

For those that may not know, a pump hoist is a specialized crane designed specifically to pull well pumps from deep wells. Typically they are mounted to the back of a truck so we can pull up to a well, deploy the hoist, and easily lift the pump and pipe out to perform the necessary repairs.

This old Cyclone hoist has been sidelined and kept in storage for many years, but we will be bringing it back to operation and mounting on a Chevy C4500 flatbed truck.

The first step was getting some brush cleared away and pulling the hoist out where we could start to clean it up.

The Cyclone all freed up and placed on this trailer to move it.
From the back, you can see the wire reel, outriggers and controls.

After getting the hoist clear, we could pull it out and after some power washing, could even still see the lettering on the boom.

The basic bones of the hoist are all sound. It looks like we’ll need to replace some, or all, of the hydraulic hoses and will need to figure out how to mount it on the truck’s flat bed.

Next steps are to hook it up to a hydraulic pump for some testing, replacing hoses, and, if it all looks good, painting.

Stay tuned!

Posts in this series

  1. Project Cyclone – Uncovering the hoist
  2. Project Cyclone – Testing & repairs
  3. Project Cyclone – Paint and power
  4. Project Cyclone – Putting it together
  5. Project Cyclone – It’s alive
  6. Project Cyclone – Post-Winter update
  7. Project Cyclone – Stability
  8. Project Cyclone – Reels and racks


  1. Looks like it is coming along good. I also have a cyclone fleetmaster I am getting to bring back to life.where is the best place to get the pto and does it have to be specific for the truck thanks.

    1. Hi Brad, thanks for reading! Yes, the PTO is specific for your truck, or technically to your transmission. The best bet is to contact a local place that does these types of trucks. Look for places that do dump trucks, snow plows, etc. You also might have luck contacting a local mid-heavy duty truck dealer. Finally you can check on the PTO manufacturer’s pages and see where they have local dealers. Parker and Muncie are 2 of the biggest ones.
      Good luck!

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